Underway pursuant to ComPhibsPac Operation Plan A1-45, in column formation, second ship in Sweep Unit 5, astern of USS CHAMPION (AM-314), in company with Sweep Unit 8, USS ADAMS (DM-27) and USS SHEA (DM-30). OTC in USS ADAMS. Returning to Okinawa Shima from night retirement.
- 0100, changed speed to 12 knots. All hands manned general quarters stations, enemy planes in vicinity. Fired upon enemy aircraft, no plane shot down.
- 0616, commenced firing on enemy aircraft.
- 0617, plane crashed-dived into USS ADAMS (DM-27) and bounced off into the water. Steering casualty to ADAMS.
- 0619, USS ARDENT (AM-340) ordered to stand by ADAMS to render assistance.
- 0620, changed course to 320 degrees T by emergency turn to stay clear of ADAMS which has lost steering control.
- 0632, commenced firing at enemy aircraft.
- 0635, ceased firing; plane disappeared into cloud.
- 0640, sighted plane attempting suicide dive on USS SWEARER (DE-186), about 6,000 yards on starboard bow. Plane did not hit SWEARER but crashed into water.
- 1200, position: Lat 26D-20’ N; Long. 127D-22’ E.
- 1340, stationed special sea details and proceeded on various courses and speeds into harbor in KERAMA RETTO, Okinawa Islands group.
- 1415, Moored alongside USS KISHWAUKEE (AOG-9) port side to and commenced taking on fuel oil.
April 2, 1945
On patrol in area B-5.
- 0021, all hands manned general quarters stations; enemy aircraft in immediate vicinity.
- 0045, USS ACHERNA (AKA-53) 3500 yards on port beam, hit by enemy suicide plane (a two-engine bomber that passed low overhead the USS DEFENSE according to War Diary) and fire broke out on weather deck. DEFENSE left station to stand-by ACHERNA to render assistance. Closed to about 400 yards but unable to communicate by voice radio.
- [Roy’s Note: the official US Navy History shows the ACHERNA being hit on April 1 – but the DEFENSE deck logs show the ship being hit on the second]
- 0110, ACHERNA brought fire under control, increased speed to about 15 knots and rejoined own formation. [War Diary differs slightly – says name of ship was “ACHEINA”]
- 0126, returned to patrol station.
- 0622, began firing on enemy aircraft. Ceased fire as friendly planes were in line of fire.
- 0911, proceeded to harbor in KERAMA RETTO, Okinawa Island Group.
- 1745, provisions and stores boat alongside.
- 1810, Underway pursuant to orders CTG 52.2, proceeding to screening station A-56 at various courses and speeds on all engines standing out protected anchorage, KERAMA RETTO.
- 1845, commenced firing at unidentified aircraft.
- 1847, ceased firing.
- 2000, entered smoke screen with visibility of about 500 yards, proceeding on various courses and speeds to maneuver safely through groups of ships.
April 3, 1945
Underway pursuant to ComPhibsPac Operation Pla A1-45, and verbal orders CTG 52.2 of 2 April 1945, patrolling screening station A-56 on base courses 061 degrees T and 241 degrees T, speed 10.5 knots on all engines.
- 0109, all hands manned general quarters stations, enemy aircraft in vicinity of Okinawa.
- 0555, all hands manned general quarters stations, enemy aircraft in vicinity.
April 4, 1945
Underway pursuant to ComPhibsPac Operation Pla A1-45, and verbal orders CTG 52.2 of 2 April 1945, patrolling screening station A-56 on base courses 063 degrees T and 243 degrees T, speed 10.5 knots on all engines.
- 0715, commenced patrolling station 2,000 yards southeast of station A-56 upon visual orders of CTG 51.5 represtentative.
April 5, 1945
Underway pursuant to ComPhibsPac Operation Plan A1-45, and visual orders CTG 51.5, patrolling station A-56 of inner screen on base courses 061 degrees T and 241 degrees T, speed 10.5 knots on all engines.
[Note from Official US Navy History: United States Naval Advanced Air Base, Iwo Jima, Volcano Islands, is established. Koiso cabinet in Japan resigns; Admiral Suzuki becomes Prime Minister.
April 6, 1945
[In order to see the exact location of this action, enter these coordinates into Google Earth: 25 49’ N, 126 13’ E]
Underway pursuant to ComPhibsPac Operation Pla A1-45, and visual orders CTG 51.5, patrolling station A-56 of inner screen on base courses 061 degrees T and 241 degrees T, speed 10.5 knots on all engines.
- 0310, all hands manned general quarters stations, enemy aircraft present.
- 0800, joined column formation with USS REQUISITE (AM-109), USS TRIUMPH (AM-323), and USS VIGILANCE (AM-324), on course 160 degrees T, speed 15 knots. OTC is CominDiv 13 in REQUISITE.
- 0802, changed speed to 5 knots and commenced streamin “o” type and acoustic minesweeping gear.
- 0834, all minesweep gear streamed, 300 fathoms port and starboard sweep wire, 40 ft. float pendants, 18 fathoms depressor wire, hammer box at 30 feet.
- 0906, USS SPEAR (AM-322) joined formation.
- 0907, entered area D-2 and commenced scheduled sweeping operations on various courses conforming to contour of area.
- 1428, completed scheduled sweep of assigned area D-2. Made preparations to recover minesweeping gear. Sweep results negative.
- 1509, set course to 210 degrees T, speed 15 knots, proceeding independently awaiting orders from CTG 51.5.
- 1536, all hands manned general quarters stations, enemy aircraft attacking various units at beachhead.
- 1800, all hands manned general quarters stations. AA gunfire seen coming from TF 54 which bore 270 degrees T, distance 6 miles.
- 1802, increased speed to flank with radical changes of course, enemy aircraft in large numbers seen to be coming in from northwest. One plane made suicide run on this vessel and was shot down by 20mm fire. (the War Diary states that this was a Val)
- 1804, speed reduced to standard and ship steadied on northerly heading.
- 1805, two suicide planes (Vals) commenced runs from the east on this vessel and were taken under heavy fire by starboard battery. Speed increased to flank with radical changes of course. One plane pulled out, other plane crashed into flying bridge and superstructure.
- 1806, all engines stopped until report that only minor damage had been received on the bridge.
- 1807, speed increased to flank with radical changes of course as another plane was observed making a run on this vessel from west. Plane was taken under fire by starboard battery but crashed 40mm platform. Course was changed to westward to close with TF 54 as still more enemy planes were observed in the air and this vessel had received some damage from shrapnel.
- 1815, reduced speed to standard and commenced to close with USS NEWCOMB (DD-586) and USS LEUTZE (DD-481) which had received major damage and were burning.
- 1820, commenced to pull along starboard side of LEUTZE, but received orders from Commanding Officer of LEUTZE to pick up survivors. Commenced maneuvering as instructed.
- 1825, vessel violently shaken by explosion of depth charges from one of damaged vessels nearby.
- 1853, BOWELL, James Padelford, SM3c, USNR, went over the side and rescued WALKER, H., StM1c, a non-swimmer, whom he brought back to the ship. BOWELL went over the side a second time, taking two life preservers to five men, two of whom were seriously burned. Bowell is to be commended for his actions done in the face of possible combined air attacks and darkness coming on rapidly. He materially speeded the recovery of survivors without thought of himself.
- The following ammunition was expended during the attack: 45 rounds 3”/50 cal; 550 rounds 40mm; 3600 rounds 20mm.
- Material damage suffered was as follows: Hull: Seven holes in starboard side near and above waterline varying in size from 2” in diameter to 2” x 6”; ten holes in superstructure varying in size up to 6” in diameter; one shroud starboard side almost severed; life lines and stanchions on forecastle deck carried away; two holes in ship’s boat. Ordnance: One 40mm gun and one 20mm gun damaged; two 40mm ready boxes bent out of shape and covers ripped off; one Mk 14 sight damaged beyond repair; six 20mm magazines damaged; 3”/50 cal. Operating handle not functioning properly. Radio: all high frequency antenna carried away.
- 1900, received orders from ComDesRon 55 in USS PORTERFIELD (DD-682) to take LEUTZE in tow.
- 2005, LEUTZE secured astern with 1,000 fathoms of towing cable. Commenced slow acceleration on all engines on course 280 degrees T.
Location of ship: Lat. 25° 49’N Long. 126° 13’E
Time Zone: 1600 Date: Friday, April 6, 1945, ELD
1. Surprise attack? Yes Day or Night: Day
2. Method picking plane up: Naked eye
3. Range plane was picked up: 5 miles
4. Total number of planes observed: Many – 20 to 30. Type: Fighters, bombers and torpedo
5. Number of planes attacking own ship: 4 Type: Believe all were Vals
6. Number of planes taken under fire by own ship: 4 Type: Vals
7. Speed and altitude of approach in knots and feet: 100-120 K; 100 feet
8. Number of guns firing – by caliber: 1 – 3”/50, 8 – 20MM, 2 – 40MM
9. Ammunition expended – by caliber and type: 45 rounds 3”; 550 rounds 40MM; 3600 rounds 20MM
10. Percent service allowance expended: 18%; 11.5%; 7%
11. Method of control: Optical Method of spotting: Tracer
Method of ranging: Estimated Method of firing: Rapid fire
12. Approximate time-tracking to first shot: None
13. Approximate time of first hits: 1603
14, Approximate time first shot to last shot: 7 minutes
15. Approximate position angle open fire: #1 – 10° bearing 270° relative; #2 – 20° bearing 090° relative; #3 – 20° bearing 050° relative; #4 – 20° bearing 050° relative.
16. Approximate position angle cease fire: #1 – 0° bearing 030° relative; #2 – crashed into ship forward; #3 – crashed into ship aft; #4 – not known.
17. Approximate bearing first shot: 270° relative
18. Approximate bearing last shot: 090° relative
19. Approximate range of first shot: 5,000 – 6,000 yards Altitude of plane: Not over 100 feet.
20. Approximate minimum range aircraft approached: #1 – 150 feet; #4 – 500-700 yards.
21. Approximate range of last shot: ---- Altitude of plane: ---
22. Approximate altitude of bomb release: --- Size of bomb: ---
23. Approximate range of torpedo release: --- Size of torpedo: ---
24. Number of hits on ship by bombs: none By torpedo: --- Was ship strafed: Yes, by plane #2 Size gun: 25 cal.
25. Number near bomb misses damaging ship: none
26. Planes shot down: SURE SURE PROBABLE DAMAGED
(by own ship) (assist)
those attacking own ship: 3
Other aircraft
27. Best estimate of size gun or guns responsible for each “sure”: Plane #1 by 20MM; planes #2 and #3 crashed.
28. Performance of ammunition: Excellent
29. What failures in material occurred in this action?: None
30. Sketch:
(a) Indicate direction of attack relative to ship’s head
(b) Show relative postion of sun
(c) Indicate own maneuvers.
The USS DEFENSE was patrolling Station A-35 on a northwesterly course and a Task Force of capital ships was retiring for the night about six miles to the westward. As this vessel’s Air Search radar was inoperative the first indication of attack was the observation of AA fire from that Force. Many planes were observed flying in all directions. DEFENSE changed to a northerly course parallel that of the Task Force. Plane number 1 came in from the north to about half way between the Task Force and DEFENSE and then turned sharply toward DEFENSE and stared its run. When the run started range was about 5,000 yards and an altitude about 100 feet. Fire was opened with all guns that could bear, 1 – 3”/50, 4 – 20MM and 1 – 40MM (single mount). At about 1,000 yards and 50 feet altitude the plane pulled up sharply and passed directly over DEFENSE at right angles to its base course. DEFENSE was maneuvering at about 17 knots. Fire was taken up by the starboard battery and the plane was seen hit by 20MM fire just under the cockpit. The plane turned left into a dive and splashed about 700-800 yards on the starboard bow. The pilot did not bail out and no explosion seemed to take place when hitting the water.
Plane number 2 had started its run probably before plane number 1 had splashed. It came in from the northeastward and was not observed until probably less than 2,500 yards, altitude 50-75 feet. The starboard battery opened fire but the plane crashed the bridge structure forward, on the starboard side. Oil, gasoline, and parts of the plane were all over the ship. Most of the pilot was in the flying bridge and his parachute hung from the yard arm. There might have been a second pilot in the plane as another parachute that went across the ship hit the water on the port side and opened. Where the engine went, or the explosive if one was carried, is not known. The only fire started inside the flying bridge and was stamped out before fire extinguishers arrived. A splash on the starboard side, large enough to put water on the bridge, indicated that there might be hull damage so the vessel was slowed for investigation. Before a report could reach the bridge planes number 3 and 4 were seen forward on the starboard bow, already having started their run. DEFENSE went back to flank speed. These planes came in together wing-tip to wing-tip. The starboard battery opened fire. Plane number 3 must have crowded plane number 4 because the latter turned off. Plane number 3 continued in and crashed the 40MM platform just aft of #2 stack. Again much of the plane was left on deck but most of it, including the heavy parts, went over the port side. There was no explosion and no fire.
G. Abbott,
Lt. Comdr., USNR,
Commanding Officer.
[ROY’S NOTE: According to eyewitness reports, plane number 2 actually exploded at a range of 25-30 yards, spattering shrapnel, fuel, seawater and pieces of the unfortunate pilot all over the front of the DEFENSE. The “second pilot” landed in the ocean on the port side of the ship and was promptly machine-gunned, even though he was probably dead when he hit the water.]
April 7, 1945
Underway pursuant to ComPhibsPac Operation Plan A1-45, with USS LEUTZE (DD-481) in tow at 2,000 yards, proceeding to KERAMA RETTO ANCHORAGE, Okinawa Group, on base course of 197 degrees T, speed 5 knots, being screened by USS PORTERFIELD (DD-682)
- 0634, passed through nets into KERAMA RETTO ANCHORAGE.
- 0719, Lying to in vicinity of USS CRESENT CITY (APA-21) awaiting boats to transfer injured men. Lieutenant Commander WORDEN, (MC), USNR, CominPac staff Medical Officer, came aboard to assist in transfer of patiets.
- 0741, Boats from USS CRESENT CITY came alongside and men were transferred for medical treatment.
- 1400, transferred the survivors from USS NEWCOMB (DD-586) to USS WAYNE (APA-34) for disposition.
[Roy’s Note: The Japanese battleship YAMATO is sunk in the East China Sea on this day.]
April 8, 1945
Anchored in Berth K-84, KERAMA RETTO ANCHORAGE, Okinawa Gunto, Nansei Shoto.
1203, Underway pursuant to CTG 52.2 dispatch proceeding out KERAMA RETTO ANCHORAGE on various courses and speeds. Captain at the conn, Navigator on the bridge, to conduct a channel sweep as ordered in Appendix Four to Annex “F” of CTF 51 Operation Plan A1-45. Ships conducting the sweep, USS DEFENSE (AM-317), OTC, USS EXECUTE (AM-232), USS FACILITY (AM-233), USS HAZARD (AM-240).
- 1354, completed streaming “O” type gear, port and starboard with 300 fathoms sweep wire, 60 foot float pendants, 30 fathoms depressor wire.
- 1828, completed recovery of gear. Sweep results negative.
- 1912, changed course to 025 degrees T and commenced patrolling in channel east of TOKASHIKI SHIMA and south of MAE SHIMA on course 025 degrees T and 205 degrees T.
April 9, 1945
Patrolling singly on station in channel channel east of TOKASHIKI SHIMA and south of MAE SHIMA on course 025 degrees T and 205 degrees T.
- 1038, entered KEREMA RETTO ANCHORAGE, maneuvering on various courses and speeds to anchorage in vicinity of USS TERROR (CM-5).
- 1415, DANGELO, E. J., MoMM2c, went over the side in shallow water diving outfit to investigate possible seam ruptures at various parts of the ship.
- 1445, completed diving operation.
April 11, 1945
- 0800, reported to Commander L.S.T Flotilla 6 pursuant to ComTaskFor 51 dispatch 100710 for duty in Task Unit 51.29.13. ComTaskUnit, L.S.T. Flotilla 6 in LCI 1080. ComDesRon 45 in USS BENNETT (DD-473) as screen commander with following escorts: USS WESSON (DE-184), USS SC-1049, USS SC-1314, USS YMS 398, and USS YMS 311. This vessel in station 51809 screen, escorting LST Flotilla 6, on base course 205 degrees T, base speed 7.5 knots.
- 1200, with Point Chiyama bearing 085 degrees T, distance 13 miles, took departure for Siapan Island, Mariannas Islands, on course 148 degrees T, speed 7.5 knots.
April 12, 1945
Underway enroute to Saipan, Mariannas Islands, pursuant to CTG 51 secret dispatch 100710 and ComLSTFlot 6 Movement Order A6-45, in Task Unit 51.29.13 escorting various units of LST Flotilla 6 in station 5180 in cruising formation #1 on base course 118 degrees T.
[Note from Official US Navy History: President Franklin D. Roosevelt dies; Vice President Harry S. Truman succeeds to the Presidency.
April 13, 1945
- 1337, half mast colors in mourning for the death of the President of the United States.
April 14, 1945
- 1500, assembled all hands at general quarters stations to pay tribute to the late President Roosevelt with five minutes of silent prayer, colors half mast.
April 17, 1945
- 1115, land sighted bearing 120 degrees T.
- 1527, sighted small waterspout bearing 192 degrees T, distance 6 miles.
- 1709, Passed through net gate of Siapan Harbor, Saipan, Mariannas Islands.
- 1737, Anchored in Saipan Harbor.
April 23, 1945
- 0930, Captain held mast and assigned the following punishment: Miller, H. E., S1c; Charge – asleep on watch; Punishment – distrated to S2c.
April 24, 1945
- 1745, Underway pursuant to Commander Service Squadron TEN Representative Siapan, Voice Dispatch 210025, and PD Saipan, routing instructions of 24 April 1945, on route to Pearl Harbor.
April 25 – 30, 1945
- Proceeding singly from Saipan to Pearl Harbor.