Sunday, March 16, 2008

March, 1945

March 1, 1945

  • 1123, all engines stopped; lying to off of Iwo Jima awaiting further instructions subsequent to USS ARDENT (AM-340) reporting to Commander Task Force 51.
  • 1650, Sergeant Apone and 11 Marines disembarked in boat #2, ACG-10.
  • 1745, commenced patrolling area C11 on courses 317 and 137 degrees T.
  • [From War Diary: Operating as part of the antisubmarine screen through March 7]

    [From Official U.S. Navy History: Aircraft from fast carrier task force (Vice Adm. M. A. Mitscher) attack enemy ground installations, aircraft, and shipping in the Okinawa area, Ryukyu Islands.]

March 7, 1945

  • 1421, formed column formation with USS CHAMPION (AM-314), USS DEVASTATOR (AM-318) and this ship, in that order, distance 500 yards, course 205 degrees T, speed 5 knots.
  • 1604, took departure from Iwo Jima with Minami Iwo Jima bearing 144 degrees T, distance 18 miles. Set course 205 degrees T, speed 12.5 knots on all engines proceeding to Ulithi, Caroline Islands pursuant to CTG 51 dispatch #061715, in company with USS CHAMPION (AM-314), USS DEVASTATOR (AM-318) USS SKIRMISH (AM-303), USS SIGNET (AM-302), USS STAUNCH (AM-307) as Task Unit 51.29.13. Cominron 12 and OTC in USS SKIRMISH (AM-303).

March 10, 1945

  • 1540, Landfall, Ulithi, Caroline Islands, 230 degrees T, distant 12 miles.
  • 1647, Secured SC radar, passed signal tower, Asor Island, Ulithi Islands of the West Caroline Islands abeam to starboard at distance of 1500 yards and proceeded in column on various courses and speeds following the OTC in USS SKIRMISH (AM-303) to enter the harbor of the Ulilthi Islands.
  • 1727, entered Mugai channel.
  • 1906, moored starboard side to USS DEVASTATOR (AM-318) in berth 261, Southern Anchorage, Ulithi Atoll, Caroline Islands.

[Roy’s Note: The DEFENSE remained at various berths at Ulithi Atoll through March 16. They are waiting for their turn at dry-dock for inspection of their port strut bearing.]

[From Official US History: 03/11 Sun. United States naval landing craft ferry Army troops across the Rhine River at the Remagen bridgehead, Germany; this operation continues throughout March 1945.

[Roy’s Note: Remember the movie named "The Bridge at Remagen"?]

March 13, 1945

  • 1640, Ensign O'DELL (sc) USNR came aboard from USS McCOMB to pay crew.
  • 2025, Ensign O'DELL left the ship.

March 14, 1945

  • 1635, received ammunition resupply consisting of the following: 25 rounds 3"/50 AP SPDN; 25 hand fragmentation hand grenades; 1800 20mm HEI; 900 HET; 80 40mm APT.

March 16, 1945

  • 1034, entered floating dry dock (AFDL32) berth #9 pursuant to CTG 52.3 dispatch #140051 of March, 1945.
  • 1107, keel rested on keel blocks.

[From Official US Navy History: Iwo Jima, Volcano Islands, is declared secured.]

Stan Frosh-
"In one of the pictures is Bowser and a female we picked up for him in Japan that gave him some kind of bad disease. When we got back to San Diego we had Bowser shipped to the skipper back east. He thought the world of that dog and it slept in his stateroom at the foot of his bed. That ol' dog had a funny quirk - if you threw a piece of food on the deck (any kind - onion, grapefruit, whatever) and acted like you were going to step on it he would growl and bite your foot hard then gobble the food down. It made the Skipper mad and he threatened to court-martial anyone caught doing it.

March 17, 1945

  • 0854, cleared sill of dry-dock, all lines off the ship. Underway on all engines at various courses and speeds, Captain conning, proceeding to southern anchorage.
  • 1033, moored port side to starboard side of IX-118 for fueling.
  • 1312, moored port side to USS LIGNITE (IX-162) for provisions.

March 18, 1945

  • 0814, moored port side to starboard side of USS CINNABAR (IX-163) for supplies.
  • 1833, moored starboard side to port side of USS WEIHAWKEN to take on board minesweep gear.
  • 2016, anchored in Ulithi Atoll, Caroline Islands bearing 065 degrees T; left tangent of Feitabrel Island bearing 098 degrees T, left tangent of Lossau Island bearing 032 degrees T in 13 fathoms of water.

March 19, 1945

  • 1015, Thompson, John M. Jr. #936-95-02 STM USNR reported aboard for duty pursuant to ComSerPac Ltr #3898, dated 4-19-44, with baggage and necessary transfer papers from Commander, Service Squadron Ten.
  • 1440, underway pursuant to ComPhibsPac operation plan A1-45, Annex "F" and ComTaskGroup 52-2 movement order 3-45 proceeding out Ulithi Atoll on various courses and speeds.
  • 1830, took departure for OKINAWA SHIMA with left tangent of Falolop Island bearing 254.5 degrees T, distance 6.6 miles. OTC in USS TERROR (CM-5)

[From Official US Navy History: March 21, 1945: Japanese aircraft make first known operational use of piloted bombs in unsuccessful attack against Admiral Mitscher's fast carrier task force.

March 23, 1945

  • Underway pursuant to ComPhibsPac operation plan A1-45, Annex "F" and ComTaskGroup 52-2 movement order 3-45. CTG 52.2 in USS TERROR (CM-5) is OTC. In special cruising formation #11, second ship in column in Sweep Unit 5 with the USS CHAMPION (AM-314) as guide. On base course 310 degrees T, speed 14 knots.
  • 0040,, 100 K.W. generator in forward engine room broke down causing loss of power to starboard shaft; sheered out of column to the left.
  • 0045, Repairs made to 100 K.W. and full power back on starboard shaft; commenced regaining position in column.
  • 1300, received mail from USS CHAMPION (AM-314).
  • 1655, Hendershot, G.R., S 1/C slipped on wet deck and cut right hand, given first aid by pharmacist's mate and returned to duty, not result of own misconduct.

[War Diary Note: at 2325, all hands manned battle stations; flash red, control yellow. Enemy aircraft closed within two miles and crossed ahead of formation]

[From Official US Navy History: Aircraft of fast carrier task force (Vice Adm. M. A. Mitscher) commence daily strikes against the enemy on Okinawa, Ryukyu Islands.]

March 24, 1945

  • 0552, changed course to 328 degrees T by turn movement, taking standard distance of 1,000 yards in line formation with MinDiv 10 less USS CHIEF (AM-315) and USS COMPETENT (AM-316).
  • 0555, made all preparations to stream minesweeping gear.
  • 0607, starboard gear streamed.
  • 0612, port gear streamed.
  • 0642, all "O" type gear streamed to 300 fathoms; depth of sweep 220 feet. Commenced exploratory sweep on southwestern edge of sweep area V-1 off KEREMA RETTO, NANSEI SHOTO.
  • 0659, lowered MK 4 (v) acoustic hammer to port and commenced acoustic sweep. USS ADAMS (DM-27) and PC-584 astern as fire support and mine disposal ships.
  • 0825, set up degaussing coils.
  • 1748, all sweep gear recovered.
  • 1822, commenced proceeding at various courses and speeds to rendezvous with CTG 52.2.
  • 1925, took station in cruising disposition #15 in task group 52.2, station is second ship in sweep unit 5 in outer left hand columns of AM’s. OTC, CominPac, CTG 52.2 in USS TERROR (CM-5).

[War Diary Note: sweep results negative]

[From Official US Navy History: Battleships (Vice Adm. W. A. Lee) bombard Okinawa, Ryukyu Islands.]

[Roy Note: All minesweeping operations at Okinawa (and probably everywhere else) took place under the cover of intense shore bombardment by the Battleships and other large vessels. I can imagine the constant deafening roar of the guns rumbling across the waves while the minesweepers did their job.]

March 25, 1945

  • 0636, commenced streaming "O" type gear, both sides.
  • 0733, took station on port quarter of USS CHAMPION (AM-314) in minesweep formation #5 on base course of 050 degrees T.
  • 0745, entered area A-1.
  • 1730, completed recovery of all sweep gear.
  • 1740, sounded the emergency alarm; all hands manned their general quarters stations, friendly aircraft crashed close by.
  • 1745, USS ARONWARD (DM-34) reported picking up pilot.
  • 1747, secured from emergency stations.

[War Diary Note: sweep results negative]

[From Official US Navy History: Battleships, cruisers, and destroyers (Rear Adm. M. L. Deyo) bombard Kerama Retto and southeast coast of Okinawa, Ryukyu Islands; bombardment of Okinawa area continues daily.]

March 26, 1945

  • 0610, commenced streaming "O" type gear, both sides.
  • 0613, all hands manned general quarters stations — one enemy plane in sight.
  • 0617, commenced firing with 40mm on enemy plane — 7 rounds expended, no casualties. Plane shot down by USS ADAMS (DM-27)
  • 0740, entered area A-9. This unit operating with Sweep Unit #8 with OTC in USS CHAMPION (AM-314).
  • 0850, all hands manned general quarters stations — large caliber (105mm estimated) gun fired on this unit from shore, location unknown.

[War Diary Note: four to six inaccurate splashes observed]

  • 1427, assumed guide replacing USS CHAMPION (AM-314) who dropped out of formation to recover fouled gear.

[War Diary Note: at 1505, formation taken under fire by what appeared to be 3" guns from Mae Island. Guns quickly silenced by air cover.]

  • 1707, marked three mines swept by ship ahead with smoke floats in order to facilitate location by mine disposal ships.
  • 1709, cut one chemical horn moored mine with port gear.
  • 1723, minesweeping operations for the day completed.
  • 1822, commenced night retirement.
  • 1832, large explosion enveloped destroyer bearing 030 degrees T, distant 8500 yards.

[From Official US Navy History: Army forces are landed on Kerama Retto, Ryukyu Islands, by naval attack group (Rear Adm. I. N. Kiland) under cover of naval bombardment and carrier aircraft attack. Army forces are landed at Talisay Point, Cebu, P. I., by naval attack group (Capt. A. T. Sprague) under cover of cruiser and destroyer gunfire and air attack. United States naval vessel sunk: Destroyer HALLIGAN (DD-584), by mine, Okinawa area, 26 d. 10'N., 127 d. 30'E. ]

[Roy’s Note: Since neither the Deck Log or War Diary say anything about going to general quarters because of enemy aircraft until 15 minutes AFTER the nearby destroyer was enveloped by a large explosion, I’m thinking it was the HALLIGAN (sunk by mine) that was seen. According to the Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships, it's most definitely the HALLIGAN]

March 27, 1945

  • Underway pursuant to ComPhibsPac operation plan A1-45, Annex "F" and ComTaskGroup 52-2 movement order 3-45 in column formation astern of USS CHAMPION (AM-314) in company with Sweep Unit 5, on base course 010 degrees T, speed 13 knots on all engines proceeding to rendezvous with T.G. 54.3
  • 0035, made rendezvous with TG 54.3, OTC in USS TEXAS. This group assigned to position 3180.
  • 0600, made preparations to stream minesweeping gear.
  • 0638, all "O" type streamed to 300 fathoms of sweep wire, 60 foot float pendant, 35 fathoms of depressor wire.
  • 0710, entered minesweeping area A-9 on course 350 degrees T.
  • 0903, cut one mine with starboard gear in area B-5.

[War Diary Note: chemical horn moored mine]
[Roy's Note: See my "Mine Warfare" page for an explanation of what a chemical horn moored mine is]

  • 0916, cut one mine with starboard gear in area B-5. .

[War Diary Note: chemical horn moored mine]

  • 1135, cut one mine with port gear in area B-5. .

[War Diary Note: chemical horn moored mine]

  • 1600, starboard sweep gear parted.
  • 1610, commenced recovery of sweep gear.
  • 1627, hove to in direction of starboard float distant 2,000 yards.
  • 1638, all "O" type port gear clear of water; completed recovery of remaining 150 fathoms of starboard sweep wire. Proceeding to pick up starboard float; Captain at the conn.
  • 1738, recovered float; remaining gear snagged on bottom; lost 6 MK 11 cutters, 1 MK 9 cutter, 1 paravane and bridle, 100 fathoms of sweep wire and 2 60 foot float pendants. All gear clear of water.

[War Diary Note: Commenced night retirement in company with Task Unit 52.4.4. OTC in USS ADAMS.]

March 28, 1945

  • 0545, made preparations for streaming minesweeping gear.
  • 0620, commenced firing at various enemy planes in vicinity; 14 planes sighted, 3 shot down.

[War Diary Note: shot down by Task Units 52.4.1 and 52.4.4]

  • 0653, commenced streaming "O" type gear, both sides.
  • 1220, commenced recovery of port and starboard "O" type gear.
  • 1330, fell in astern of USS CHAMPION (AM-314) proceeding to duty in area C-2.
  • 1450, commenced streaming port "O" type gear.
  • 1730, commenced firing 20mm guns and 30 cal. rifle at two drifting floats; 16 rounds 30 cal. and 420 rounds 20mm expended.
  • 1901, completed formation of night retirement units.
  • 2003, all hands manned general quarters stations, enemy aircraft in vicinity.

[War Diary Note: 4 planes closed to within 4000 yards]

  • 2312, all hands manned general quarters stations, enemy aircraft in vicinity.

[War Diary Note: 1 plane closed to within 1500 yards]

March 29, 1945

  • 0018, all hands manned general quarters stations, enemy planes in vicinity.

[War Diary Note: 0022, opened fire on one enemy plane.]

  • 0044, all hands manned general quarters stations, enemy planes in vicinity.
  • 0310, all hands manned general quarters stations, enemy planes in vicinity.
  • 0725, commenced streaming "O" type minesweeping gear.
  • 0757, all hands manned general quarters stations, enemy planes in vicinity.
  • 1043, all hands manned general quarters stations, enemy planes in vicinity.
  • 1917, completed formation of night retirement units.
  • 2245, all hands manned general quarters stations, enemy planes in vicinity.
  • 2250, USS ADAMS (DM-27) commenced firing on enemy plane and shot it down. This vessel commenced firing at second plane and assisted USS CHAMPION (AM-314) in shooting it down.

March 30, 1945

  • 0600, commenced streaming port and starboard "O" type gear.

[War Diary Note: 0709, all hands manned battle stations; enemy planes in vicinity
1802, sweep completed, results negative
1917, Task Unit 52.4.1 commenced night retirement]

March 31, 1945

  • 0809, commenced streaming "O" type minesweeping gear.
  • 1333, drifting mine destroyed by PC-584 2000 yards off starboard quarter.
  • 1642, completed recovery of minesweeping gear.