Underway pursuant to ComServRon 10 Representative, Saipan, voice dispatch 210025, and Port Director, Saipan, routing instructions dated 24 April, 1945, enroute Pearl Harbor, T.H., on base course 092 degrees T, 095 degrees P.C.C., making 10 knots (280 RP) on main engines #1 and #2 on starboard shaft. Ship darkened, maintain condition of readiness II-M, S/L radar and sonar watches.
The only excitement during this leg of their journey was on May 7:
- 1136, Made underwater sound contact bearing 020 degrees T, distance 2000 yards.
- 1140, Commenced maneuvering on various courses and speeds to maintain and classify contact.
- 1144, all hands manned general quarters stations
- 1146, put #2 main engine on line
- 1150, changed course to make hedgehog attack
- 1155, gave order to fire hedgehog; failed to fire due to defect in firing circuit
- 1158, commenced second hedgehog run on contact
- 1200, lost contact; searched for contact in immediate area, no results
- 1255, test fired Mk 10 Projector. Fired full salvo of 24 7.5” Projector Charges
Thursday, May 10, 1945
- 1235, Captain has the conn, the Navigator is on the bridge, standing into Pearl Harbor channel on various courses and speeds.
- 1428, moored starboard side to AN-40, berth DE3, Pearl Harbor
Saturday, May 12
- 0845, Pay Clerk Hiat came aboard from Small Craft Disbursing Office and paid officers and crew.
- 0940, Paymaster left ship
Sunday, May 13
- 1745, Hamilton, E.N., 861 13 67, MoMM2c, USNR, reported aboard for duty pursuant to Fifth Convalescent Hospital APO 244 orders dated 6 May 1945. Records not accompanying him; gear had been kept aboard.
Monday, May 14
- 1030, Lieutenant G.W. Capehart left ship on temporary additional duty.
- 1630, Underway with aid of tug pursuant to CTG 18.2 Operation Order 0129-45 dated 13 May 1945, designated as Task Unit 18.2.4. Captain at the conn, Navigator on the bridge, proceeding at various courses and speeds on starboard shaft, standing out Pearl Harbor, enroute to Seattle, Washington.
This leg of the journey continued until May 26. On May 19, Ridgeway, R. F., GM2c was treated for a piece of steel or other foreign matter which could not be removed from left eye, and was secured from duty until May 21, at which time he returned to duty.
Saturday, May 26, 1945
- 0812, moored starboard side to north side pier at Naval Ammunition Depot, Indian Island, Washington, and transferred all Hedgehog and Depth Charge ammunition off the ship.
- 1256, entered degaussing range.
- 1323, completed running degaussing range.
- 1522, anchored in Navy Yard Bremerton, Washington explosive anchorage.
- 1523, Mr. R. E. Wilbur of the U.S. Department of Agriculture came aboard to make agricultural inspection.
- 1537, Mr. Wilbur left the ship. This vessel received clearance receipt from Department of Agriculture; pilot Dunhill left ship. Tug and lighter YF87 came along port side to take ammunition from this vessel.
- 1650, completed discharging ammunition to Naval Ammunition Depot.
- 1657, underway proceeding to Seattle, Washington on various courses and speeds.
- 1840, moored starboard side to dock, Berth 5, Pier 90, Seattle Washington.
Sunday, May 27
- 0934, Lt. (jg) Westcock, pilot, came aboard from operations office 13th Naval District.
- 0935, Underway with Lt. (jg) Westcock at the conn and the Captain and Navigator on the bridge, proceeding to Pacific Electrical and Mechanical Company dock, Lake Union, Seattle, Washington on various courses and speeds.
- 1228, moored starboard side to USS CAPABLE AM-155 at Pacific Electrical and Mechanical Company Dock, Lake Union, Seattle Washington.
Monday, May 28, 1945
- 1010, conference party came aboard.
- 1300, pursuant to 12th Naval District 60T VN of 26 May 1945, Lt. (jg) Louis M. Trout and Lt. A.G. Lucky reported for duty aboard this vessel.
- 1545, USS Capable AM155 got underway from starboard side.
- 1555, moored starboard side to dock.
- 1613, fire in armory caused by smoldering iron. Put out shortly.
- 1630, commenced receiving power from dock.
- 1815, pursuant to 6WSF NTX 231927 of May 1945, the following men reported for duty aboard this vessel from receiving station Puget Sound navy Yard:
Cunningham, T. J., F1c MoMM
Schmutz, M.W., F1c, MoMM
Wood, J.F., F2c
Wyrick, F.E., F2c
Angle, J.M., S2c
Bishop, D.D., S2c
Campbell, A.L. Jr., S2c
Clayborne, B.D., S2c
Crumbaugh, J.L., S2c
Ervin, B.C., S2c
Fluhary, G.W. Jr., S2c
Hayes, L, S2c
Honaer, H.I., S2c
Pymer, S.W., S2c
Wright, R.G., S2c
- 1825, commenced receiving shore steam.
May 30, 1945
- 1130, USS ARDENT AM-340 moored along port side
- 1415, the following men were transferred to RecSta, Bremerton, Washington:
Choules, C.O., MoMM2c
Fleming, J.J., SoM2c
Galvin, G.J., RM2c
Guerrero, A., Ck2c
Miller, H.E., S2c (QM)
Propps, W.L., Cox
Lattimore, H.R., St2c
Vigue, J., SC2c
Thursday, May 31, 1945
Ship undergoing overhaul.
- 1512, Williams, Fred, StM2c reported aboard for duty from NRS, Naval Station, Seattle, Washington, sea bags, records, and hammock accompanying.
- 1715, Elizalde, A.L. EM3c assigned temporary additional duty as shore patrol.