Thursday, January 14, 2010
August, 1945
*Wednesday, August 1, 1945*
0000, Resting on keel blocks in drydock of Pacific Electrical and
Mechanical Company, Lake Union, Seattle, Washington. Receiving following
services from dock, telephone, fresh water, steam and power.
*Thursday, August 2, 1945*
0700, VICARS, Fred S., 386 85 37, EM3/c, COTNEY, Frank J., 8388 82 70
S1/c, SMITH, William A., 338 61 35, S1/c, SCHLOTTERER, Louis R., 962 39
95, S1/c, LICURSI, Frank J., 878 67 86, S1/c, CRUMBAUGH, James L., 756
40 55, S2/c, THACKER, John T.,932 09 83, F1/c, HAYES, Leroy, 756 40 27,
S2/c, NEEL, Bweley W., Jr., 864 36 84, EM3/c, left the ship for
temporary duty under instruction at Naval Training Station, Tacoma,
1010, made all preparations for leaving drydock.
1020, commenced flooding drydock.
1220, Lt. Comdr. Stevens USCG, pilot reported aboard.
1248, Tug "Adeline Foss" secured along port side.
1325, Moored along side dock.
*Friday, August 3, 1945*
0000, Moored starboard side to dock at Pacific Electric and Mechanical
Co., Lake Union, Seattle, Washington.
0830, Formal annual postal inspection made by Lt. RICHMOND.
1530, HAMILTON , E. M., 861 13 67, MoMM2/c, SV-6, USN-I returned with
following men from telephone talker training school Tacoma, Washington;
WICARS, Fred S., 386 85 37, EM3/c, USN, COTNEY, Frank J., 838 82 70,
S1/c SV-6, USNR, SMITH, William A., 338 61 35, S1/c, V-6, USNR,
SCHLOTTERER, Louis R., 962 39 95, S1/c, SV-6, USNR, LICURSI, Frank J.,
878 67 86, S1/c, SV-6, USN-I, CRUMBAUGH, James L., 756 40 77, S2/c, V-6,
USNR, THACKER, John T., 932 09 83, F1/c, SV-6, USNR, HAYES, Leroy, (n),
756 40 27, S2/c, V-6, USNR, NEEL, Bewley W.J., 864 36 84, EM3/c, SV-6,
*Saturday, August 4, 1945*
0400, G. E. VAN DE WATER, 403 80 47, CQM, USNR left ship per verbal
orders to fleet operational training command Pac F1t for temporary
additional duty under instruction.
2245, RICKETTS, C. E., CM2/c, under treatment at U.S. Naval Hospital,
Seattle returned to the ship violently ill, from liberty granted by the
2255, Call ambulance from Naval hospital. 2335, Ambulance arrived,
RICKETTS, C. E., taken to the hospital.
*Sunday, August 5, 1945*
Roy's note -- 0815, Japanese time - (August 6, 1945) Hiroshima bombed
*Monday, August 6, 1945*
1235, TWEET, N. C., MoMM3/c, 877 81 17 returned to the ship from the
1345, HENDERSHOT, George R., 756 01 04, S1/c, Kirchhoff, Richard H., 753
18 20, S1/c, CLAYBORNE, Billy D., 873 92 91, S2/c, REMINGTON, Donald F.,
882 89 49, Cox, ANGLE, John M., 783 92 87, S2/c, returned aboard ship
after completing temporary duty at Anti-Aircraft Training Center,
Pacific Beach, Washington.
1350, MC CABE, John J., 653 17 14, Cox, USNR, WINTERS, Ernest E., 882 69
26, Y3/c, USNR reported aboard for duty from the Receiving Station,
Naval Station, Seattle, Washington.
1405, ENGEN, Arden, S., 630 26 07, BM2/c returned about this vessel from
the hospital.
1625, BIEBERDORF, Carl W., 680 60 67, FC3/c, left ship for temporary
duty with the shore patrol Seattle, Washington.
1630, CRISP, Otis E., 892 90 03, GM3/c, HENDERSHOR, George R., 756 01
04, S1/c, KIRCHHOFF, Richard H., 753 18 20, S1/c, CLAYBORNE, Billy D.,
783 92 91, S2/c, REMINGTON, Donald F., 882 89 49, Cox, ANGLE, John M.,
783 92 87, S2/c, left ship for the Naval Training School, Lake Union,
Seattle, Washington, for quarter and subsistance during the present
overhaul status of this vessel.
*Tuesday, August 7, 1945*
0255, BIEBERDORF, Carl W., FC3/c, 680 60 67, returned aboard this vessel
after having completed temporary duty with the Shore Patrol, Seattle,
1450, the following named men were transferred with gear, transfer
papers, service records, and health records to U.S. Naval Receiving
Station, PSNY, Eremerton, Washington: POOR, Raymond E., SoM2/c, Service
No. 627 99 67, USNR: SHANNON, William J., SoM2/c, Service No. 878 17 20,
USN-I; SMOLICH, Thomas E., Som3/c, Service No. 869 77 82, USN-I; pay
accounts to be forwarded via registered mail when obtained from
Disbursing Officer.
1817, HAMILTON, Edward N., MoMM2/c, Service No. 861 13 67, USN-I and
TWEET, Norman Cecil, WT3/c(T), Service No. 877 81 17, USN-I, transferred
to U.S. Naval Hospital; Seattle, Washington for treatment. Baggage,
transfer papers, service records and health records accompanied
patients. Pay accounts to be forwarded via registered mail as soon as
obtained from the Disbursing Officer.
*Wednesday, August 8, 1945*
1000, Chief Machinist Clifford MC CULLOUGH, USN was detached from this
vessel and ordered to duty aboard the U.S.S. AEGIR (AS-23).
1430, RICKETTS, C. E., Cm2/c(T), 635 14 18, V-6, returned aboard from
U.S. Navel Hospital, Seattle, Washington, with orders dated 8 Aug. 1945.
Roy's note-- Japanese time - (August 9, 1945) Nagasaki Bombed
*Thursday, August 9, 1945*
1745, FRICIA, C., 564 91 10, MoMM2/c, USNR, left ship on orders for
temporary duty at Shore Patrol Headquarters, at Canadian National Dock,
Seattle, Washington.
*Friday, August 10, 1945*
0245, FRICIA, C., 564 91 10, MoMM2/c, USNR, returned to ship from
temporary duty at Shore Patrol Headquarters, Canadian National Dock,
Seattle, Washington.
*Sunday, August 12, 1945*
0845, Lieut. (jg), Raymond W. HEINEN, ( C ) USNR, reported for duty on
board this vessel as staff communications officer of Mine Division TEN.
The following men reported aboard this vessel for duty in Mine Division
TEN (Flag Allowance), with baggage, records, and transfer papers
pursuant to Commanding Officer, U.S.S. ARDENT (AM-340): MADDEN, Martin
Patrick, SM1/c (T), Service No. 405 48 53, V-6, USNR, BAER, Frederick
Whitney, RM1/c (T), Service No. 654 62 43, V-3, USNR, PETANOVICH, Andrew
(n), Y2/c, Service No. 305 48 58, USN.
0940, the following men were transferred with baggage to Naval Training
School, Lake Union, Seattle, Washington for quarters and subsistence
during the present overhaul status of this vessel: MADDEN, Martin P.,
SM1/c (T), Service No. 405 48 53, B-6, USNR, BAER, Frederick W., RM1/c
(T), Service No. 654 62 43, V-3, USNR, PETANOVICH, Andrew (n), Y2/c,
Service No. 305 48 58, USN.
1430, small explosion in Vapor Clarkson boiler in after engine room. No
personnel damage or material damage. Explosion occurred while testing
the boiler.
1500, fire in switch box in B-201 3 AE Ice Machine room. Extinguished by
jerking cord.
1756, small fire in A205TA. Ship service store. Extinguished with CO2.
2008, While lifting boat winch aboard from barge, cable of crane broke
allowing winch to sink to the bottom, a depth of 5 fathoms. Winch
immediately recovered and set on dock. Motor taken off and sent to be
dried out. Casing of winch drained of oil and water.
2104, In testing the Vapor Clarkson boiler an explosion occurred blowing
gasket and shearing hold down stud. Work & testing secured until
competent workmen available.
2150, Fire in B-2 trunk. Fire put out with CO2.
2220, Fire in B-2 trunk again, put out with CO2.
*Monday, August 13, 1945*
0030, Fire in A207T due to broken Acetelene line.
0035, fire put out by pinching off the supply of gas.
0630, Fire in A207T. Extinguished with CO2. No damage.
0920, TWITCHELL, T. J., 943 68 05, QM3/c (T), SV-6, was transferred to
the Medical Officer in Command, U.S. Naval Hospital, Seattle, Washington
with bag and hammock.
1600, TAPELT, V. H., 638 39 86, Bkr3/c, left ship to report for
temporary shore patrol duty.
2330, VAN DE WATER, J. E., 403 80 47, CQM, USNR returned from temporary
duty with orders.
Roy's note; Noon, August 14 (Japanese time) Emperor announces Japanese
*Tuesday, August 14, 1945*
0546, TAPELT, V. H., 638 39 86, Bkr3c, returned aboard after serving
temporary shore patrol duty in Seattle, Washington.
*Wednesday, August 15, 1945*
1425, TWEET, Norman Cecil, 877 81 17 WT3c USN-I, and MARTIN, Kenneth
Jesse, 622 27 16 EM1c (T) V6USNR, returned to ship from US Naval
Hospital, Seattle, Washington.
*Friday, August 17, 1945*
1045, commenced fueling ship from USS YO-168.
1127, completed fueling ship, having received on board 17, 474 gallons
of furl oil.
1457, SCHLOTTERER, L. R. 962 39 95, S1c SV6 USNR, was transferred to the
US Naval Hospital Seattle, Washington with bag, hammock, and records.
*Sunday, August 19, 1945*
1802, A small fire broke out on Port side above engine room hatch as a
result of yard workmen burning. Fire was extinguished immediately. No
material or Personnel damage.
*Tuesday, August 21, 1945*
0005, following men reported aboard for duty with full sea bags,
hammocks, and orders: DRELLACH, Sigmund Louis 639 18 24 EM1c (T) V-6, USNR;
HARTJE, Robert Henry, 870 37 87, EM1c (T) V-6SV; MONYCH, Stefan Edward,
360 49 71, Bkr3c (T) USN.
1245, RYMERSON, Harold C. 314 94 96, F2c reported aboard for duty.
1400, HILL, William T. 757 62 79 QM2c reported aboard for duty.
1410, RYMERSON, Harold C. 314 94 96, F2c, HILL, William T. 757 62 79,
QM2c left ship for temporary subsistance and quarters at the Naval
Training School, Lake Union, Seattle, Washington.
*Wednesday, August 22, 1945*
1225, RYNERSON, H. C., 314 94 96, F2/c, V-6, USNR, returned aboard from
temporary quarters at Naval Training Station, Lake Union, Seattle,
1715, CRISP, Otis Elmer, 892 90 03, GM3/c, SV-6, USNR, left ship on
temporary Shore Patrol duty at Shore Patrol Headquarters, Canadian
National Dock, Seattle, Washington.
2225, CARAVELLO, Vincent Michael, 812 19 37, RT2/c, V6, SV, reported
aboard for duty from Receiving Station, PSNY, Bremerton, Washington.
*Thursday, August 23, 1945*
0215, CRISP, Otis Elmer, 892 90 03, GM3/c, SV-6, USN-I, returned to ship
from temporary shore patrol duty at Shore Patrol Headquarters, Canadian
National Dock, Seattle, Washington.
1045, PRIDE, E. W., 854 24 68, MoMM3/c, USN-I, transferred with records
for medical treatment and further disposition.
1255, MC CLAIN, Joe Nathan, Jr., QM1/c, Service No. 295 68 91, USN,
reported aboard for duty with gear, records, pay account, and transfer
papers, from Receiving Station, Puget Sound Navy Yard, Bremerton,
1425, MC CLAIN, Joe Nathan, Jr., QM1/c, Service No. 295 68 91, USN, left
the ship to proceed with gear to USNTSch, Lake Union, Seattle,
Washington, for quarters and subsistance during the present overhaul of
this vessel.
1430, MC CRITE, Robert David, CmoMM(T), Service No. 337 36 38, USN,
reported aboard for duty with gear, records, pay account and transfer
papers from Receiving Station, Puget Sound Navy Yard, Bremerton, Washington.
*Sunday, August 26, 1945*
0900, Lt. Commander, W. W. HENSHAW, USCG, reported aboard as pilot.
Underway from dock, Pacific Electrical & Mechanical Co., Lake Union,
Seattle, Washington. Proceeding through the Lake Washington Ship Canal.
0933, Passed under Fremont Bridge.
0944, Passed under the Ballard Bridge.
0953, Entered U.S. Government Locks, Lake Washington Ship Canal.
1503, Moored at Pier 90, Seattle, Washington.
1750, BINKS, Jack C., 841 34 47, RdM2c, left this vessel for temporary
duty with Shore Patrol, Seattle, Washington.
*Monday, August 27, 1945*
0235, BINKS, Jack C., 841 34 47, RdM2/c, returned aboard from temporary
duty with the shore patrol, Seattle, Washington.
1415, LIND, Harold James, 620 07 92, CMoMM (T), V-6, USNR, reported
aboard with pay accounts and records.
1920, Ensign Evan A. WHALLON (D), USNR, 369698 detached from duty under
this command to report thirteenth Naval District.
1926, MANESS, J. D., 668 79 35, RM3/c, V-6, USNR, reported for duty with
sea bag, pay account and records.
*Tuesday, August 28, 1945*
0945, Commenced receiving fresh water from dock.
1005, Secured receiving fresh water from dock. 5800 gallons received aboard.
*Wednesday, August 29, 1945*
0700, made preparations for getting underway.
0730, stationed all special sea detail.
0742, underway in accordance with ComTHIRTEEN, verbal orders
0945, THOMPSON, John M., 936 95 02, StM2c, fell through hatch 1-13-1,
receiving 3/4" cut on chin. After first aid treatment he returned to
duty. 1107, Moored starboard side to USS YF539 at U. S. Naval Deperming
Station, Port Orchard.
1018, Proceeding to U. S. Naval Deperming station, Port Orchard.
1054, Blew one blast on whistle as this vessel was on collision course
with the ferry Kehloken on this vessel's port bow. Kehloken answered
with two blasts.
1107, Moored starboard side to USS YF539 at U. S. Naval Deperming
Station, Port Orchard.
1300, Began deperming ship.
1436, Completed deperming the ship.
1532, Underway from alongside USS YF 539 at U. S. Naval Deperming
Station, Port Orchard, Washington, proceeding at various courses and
speeds conforming to the channel enroute to the Degaussing Range.
1705, Entered degaussing range.
1754, Completed running degaussing range.
1800, Underway to Bremerton, Washington
1948, Anchored at Pier 5, Bremerton Navy Yard.
2010, Received ammunition from U. S. Naval Ammunition Depot (75), Puget
Sound, Washington, via USS YF 374 for replenishment of vessel?s allowance.
A complete supply of Pyrotechnics. Ammunition in compliance with vessel's allowance and included accessories for all ordnance gear aboard with exception of minesweep explosive cutters.
*Thursday, August 30, 1945*
0740, made all routine preparations for getting underway.
0748, stationed special sea detail.
0807, Underway, proceeding to gunnery area 5, Straits of Juan de Fuca.
1258, began entering firing area 5.
1359, all hands to General Quarters.
1400, Commenced scheduled exercises with U. S. Naval planes in area 5,
tracking only.
1527, cancelled all scheduled exercises with USS ATR 69 due to
insufficient visibility for gunnery exercises.
1535, secured from General Quarters set condition three.
1538, proceeding to Anchorage at Port Madison WA
2047, anchored in Port Madison, Washington.
*Friday, August 31, 1945*
0630, Made preparations for getting underway.
0647, Stationed special sea detail.
0712, Underway, enroute to Pier 91, Seattle, Washington.
0739, Commenced fog signals. Secured special sea details.
1049, Moored port side to East side of Pier 91, Berth "C", Naval
Station, Seattle, Wash.
1213, Commenced receiving diesel oil from dock.
1241, Commenced receiving lube oil from dock.
1335, Secured receiving lube oil from dock.
1720, Secured receiving fuel oil from dock. 57, 186 gallons received.
1745, Underway from East side of Pier 91, U.S. Naval Station, Seattle, Wash.
1759, Moored port side to USS Herald (AM-101), Pier 90, U. S. Naval
Station, Seattle, Wash.
1803, Captain ashore.
2315, Captain aboard.
0000, Resting on keel blocks in drydock of Pacific Electrical and
Mechanical Company, Lake Union, Seattle, Washington. Receiving following
services from dock, telephone, fresh water, steam and power.
*Thursday, August 2, 1945*
0700, VICARS, Fred S., 386 85 37, EM3/c, COTNEY, Frank J., 8388 82 70
S1/c, SMITH, William A., 338 61 35, S1/c, SCHLOTTERER, Louis R., 962 39
95, S1/c, LICURSI, Frank J., 878 67 86, S1/c, CRUMBAUGH, James L., 756
40 55, S2/c, THACKER, John T.,932 09 83, F1/c, HAYES, Leroy, 756 40 27,
S2/c, NEEL, Bweley W., Jr., 864 36 84, EM3/c, left the ship for
temporary duty under instruction at Naval Training Station, Tacoma,
1010, made all preparations for leaving drydock.
1020, commenced flooding drydock.
1220, Lt. Comdr. Stevens USCG, pilot reported aboard.
1248, Tug "Adeline Foss" secured along port side.
1325, Moored along side dock.
*Friday, August 3, 1945*
0000, Moored starboard side to dock at Pacific Electric and Mechanical
Co., Lake Union, Seattle, Washington.
0830, Formal annual postal inspection made by Lt. RICHMOND.
1530, HAMILTON , E. M., 861 13 67, MoMM2/c, SV-6, USN-I returned with
following men from telephone talker training school Tacoma, Washington;
WICARS, Fred S., 386 85 37, EM3/c, USN, COTNEY, Frank J., 838 82 70,
S1/c SV-6, USNR, SMITH, William A., 338 61 35, S1/c, V-6, USNR,
SCHLOTTERER, Louis R., 962 39 95, S1/c, SV-6, USNR, LICURSI, Frank J.,
878 67 86, S1/c, SV-6, USN-I, CRUMBAUGH, James L., 756 40 77, S2/c, V-6,
USNR, THACKER, John T., 932 09 83, F1/c, SV-6, USNR, HAYES, Leroy, (n),
756 40 27, S2/c, V-6, USNR, NEEL, Bewley W.J., 864 36 84, EM3/c, SV-6,
*Saturday, August 4, 1945*
0400, G. E. VAN DE WATER, 403 80 47, CQM, USNR left ship per verbal
orders to fleet operational training command Pac F1t for temporary
additional duty under instruction.
2245, RICKETTS, C. E., CM2/c, under treatment at U.S. Naval Hospital,
Seattle returned to the ship violently ill, from liberty granted by the
2255, Call ambulance from Naval hospital. 2335, Ambulance arrived,
RICKETTS, C. E., taken to the hospital.
*Sunday, August 5, 1945*
Roy's note -- 0815, Japanese time - (August 6, 1945) Hiroshima bombed
*Monday, August 6, 1945*
1235, TWEET, N. C., MoMM3/c, 877 81 17 returned to the ship from the
1345, HENDERSHOT, George R., 756 01 04, S1/c, Kirchhoff, Richard H., 753
18 20, S1/c, CLAYBORNE, Billy D., 873 92 91, S2/c, REMINGTON, Donald F.,
882 89 49, Cox, ANGLE, John M., 783 92 87, S2/c, returned aboard ship
after completing temporary duty at Anti-Aircraft Training Center,
Pacific Beach, Washington.
1350, MC CABE, John J., 653 17 14, Cox, USNR, WINTERS, Ernest E., 882 69
26, Y3/c, USNR reported aboard for duty from the Receiving Station,
Naval Station, Seattle, Washington.
1405, ENGEN, Arden, S., 630 26 07, BM2/c returned about this vessel from
the hospital.
1625, BIEBERDORF, Carl W., 680 60 67, FC3/c, left ship for temporary
duty with the shore patrol Seattle, Washington.
1630, CRISP, Otis E., 892 90 03, GM3/c, HENDERSHOR, George R., 756 01
04, S1/c, KIRCHHOFF, Richard H., 753 18 20, S1/c, CLAYBORNE, Billy D.,
783 92 91, S2/c, REMINGTON, Donald F., 882 89 49, Cox, ANGLE, John M.,
783 92 87, S2/c, left ship for the Naval Training School, Lake Union,
Seattle, Washington, for quarter and subsistance during the present
overhaul status of this vessel.
*Tuesday, August 7, 1945*
0255, BIEBERDORF, Carl W., FC3/c, 680 60 67, returned aboard this vessel
after having completed temporary duty with the Shore Patrol, Seattle,
1450, the following named men were transferred with gear, transfer
papers, service records, and health records to U.S. Naval Receiving
Station, PSNY, Eremerton, Washington: POOR, Raymond E., SoM2/c, Service
No. 627 99 67, USNR: SHANNON, William J., SoM2/c, Service No. 878 17 20,
USN-I; SMOLICH, Thomas E., Som3/c, Service No. 869 77 82, USN-I; pay
accounts to be forwarded via registered mail when obtained from
Disbursing Officer.
1817, HAMILTON, Edward N., MoMM2/c, Service No. 861 13 67, USN-I and
TWEET, Norman Cecil, WT3/c(T), Service No. 877 81 17, USN-I, transferred
to U.S. Naval Hospital; Seattle, Washington for treatment. Baggage,
transfer papers, service records and health records accompanied
patients. Pay accounts to be forwarded via registered mail as soon as
obtained from the Disbursing Officer.
*Wednesday, August 8, 1945*
1000, Chief Machinist Clifford MC CULLOUGH, USN was detached from this
vessel and ordered to duty aboard the U.S.S. AEGIR (AS-23).
1430, RICKETTS, C. E., Cm2/c(T), 635 14 18, V-6, returned aboard from
U.S. Navel Hospital, Seattle, Washington, with orders dated 8 Aug. 1945.
Roy's note-- Japanese time - (August 9, 1945) Nagasaki Bombed
*Thursday, August 9, 1945*
1745, FRICIA, C., 564 91 10, MoMM2/c, USNR, left ship on orders for
temporary duty at Shore Patrol Headquarters, at Canadian National Dock,
Seattle, Washington.
*Friday, August 10, 1945*
0245, FRICIA, C., 564 91 10, MoMM2/c, USNR, returned to ship from
temporary duty at Shore Patrol Headquarters, Canadian National Dock,
Seattle, Washington.
*Sunday, August 12, 1945*
0845, Lieut. (jg), Raymond W. HEINEN, ( C ) USNR, reported for duty on
board this vessel as staff communications officer of Mine Division TEN.
The following men reported aboard this vessel for duty in Mine Division
TEN (Flag Allowance), with baggage, records, and transfer papers
pursuant to Commanding Officer, U.S.S. ARDENT (AM-340): MADDEN, Martin
Patrick, SM1/c (T), Service No. 405 48 53, V-6, USNR, BAER, Frederick
Whitney, RM1/c (T), Service No. 654 62 43, V-3, USNR, PETANOVICH, Andrew
(n), Y2/c, Service No. 305 48 58, USN.
0940, the following men were transferred with baggage to Naval Training
School, Lake Union, Seattle, Washington for quarters and subsistence
during the present overhaul status of this vessel: MADDEN, Martin P.,
SM1/c (T), Service No. 405 48 53, B-6, USNR, BAER, Frederick W., RM1/c
(T), Service No. 654 62 43, V-3, USNR, PETANOVICH, Andrew (n), Y2/c,
Service No. 305 48 58, USN.
1430, small explosion in Vapor Clarkson boiler in after engine room. No
personnel damage or material damage. Explosion occurred while testing
the boiler.
1500, fire in switch box in B-201 3 AE Ice Machine room. Extinguished by
jerking cord.
1756, small fire in A205TA. Ship service store. Extinguished with CO2.
2008, While lifting boat winch aboard from barge, cable of crane broke
allowing winch to sink to the bottom, a depth of 5 fathoms. Winch
immediately recovered and set on dock. Motor taken off and sent to be
dried out. Casing of winch drained of oil and water.
2104, In testing the Vapor Clarkson boiler an explosion occurred blowing
gasket and shearing hold down stud. Work & testing secured until
competent workmen available.
2150, Fire in B-2 trunk. Fire put out with CO2.
2220, Fire in B-2 trunk again, put out with CO2.
*Monday, August 13, 1945*
0030, Fire in A207T due to broken Acetelene line.
0035, fire put out by pinching off the supply of gas.
0630, Fire in A207T. Extinguished with CO2. No damage.
0920, TWITCHELL, T. J., 943 68 05, QM3/c (T), SV-6, was transferred to
the Medical Officer in Command, U.S. Naval Hospital, Seattle, Washington
with bag and hammock.
1600, TAPELT, V. H., 638 39 86, Bkr3/c, left ship to report for
temporary shore patrol duty.
2330, VAN DE WATER, J. E., 403 80 47, CQM, USNR returned from temporary
duty with orders.
Roy's note; Noon, August 14 (Japanese time) Emperor announces Japanese
*Tuesday, August 14, 1945*
0546, TAPELT, V. H., 638 39 86, Bkr3c, returned aboard after serving
temporary shore patrol duty in Seattle, Washington.
*Wednesday, August 15, 1945*
1425, TWEET, Norman Cecil, 877 81 17 WT3c USN-I, and MARTIN, Kenneth
Jesse, 622 27 16 EM1c (T) V6USNR, returned to ship from US Naval
Hospital, Seattle, Washington.
*Friday, August 17, 1945*
1045, commenced fueling ship from USS YO-168.
1127, completed fueling ship, having received on board 17, 474 gallons
of furl oil.
1457, SCHLOTTERER, L. R. 962 39 95, S1c SV6 USNR, was transferred to the
US Naval Hospital Seattle, Washington with bag, hammock, and records.
*Sunday, August 19, 1945*
1802, A small fire broke out on Port side above engine room hatch as a
result of yard workmen burning. Fire was extinguished immediately. No
material or Personnel damage.
*Tuesday, August 21, 1945*
0005, following men reported aboard for duty with full sea bags,
hammocks, and orders: DRELLACH, Sigmund Louis 639 18 24 EM1c (T) V-6, USNR;
HARTJE, Robert Henry, 870 37 87, EM1c (T) V-6SV; MONYCH, Stefan Edward,
360 49 71, Bkr3c (T) USN.
1245, RYMERSON, Harold C. 314 94 96, F2c reported aboard for duty.
1400, HILL, William T. 757 62 79 QM2c reported aboard for duty.
1410, RYMERSON, Harold C. 314 94 96, F2c, HILL, William T. 757 62 79,
QM2c left ship for temporary subsistance and quarters at the Naval
Training School, Lake Union, Seattle, Washington.
*Wednesday, August 22, 1945*
1225, RYNERSON, H. C., 314 94 96, F2/c, V-6, USNR, returned aboard from
temporary quarters at Naval Training Station, Lake Union, Seattle,
1715, CRISP, Otis Elmer, 892 90 03, GM3/c, SV-6, USNR, left ship on
temporary Shore Patrol duty at Shore Patrol Headquarters, Canadian
National Dock, Seattle, Washington.
2225, CARAVELLO, Vincent Michael, 812 19 37, RT2/c, V6, SV, reported
aboard for duty from Receiving Station, PSNY, Bremerton, Washington.
*Thursday, August 23, 1945*
0215, CRISP, Otis Elmer, 892 90 03, GM3/c, SV-6, USN-I, returned to ship
from temporary shore patrol duty at Shore Patrol Headquarters, Canadian
National Dock, Seattle, Washington.
1045, PRIDE, E. W., 854 24 68, MoMM3/c, USN-I, transferred with records
for medical treatment and further disposition.
1255, MC CLAIN, Joe Nathan, Jr., QM1/c, Service No. 295 68 91, USN,
reported aboard for duty with gear, records, pay account, and transfer
papers, from Receiving Station, Puget Sound Navy Yard, Bremerton,
1425, MC CLAIN, Joe Nathan, Jr., QM1/c, Service No. 295 68 91, USN, left
the ship to proceed with gear to USNTSch, Lake Union, Seattle,
Washington, for quarters and subsistance during the present overhaul of
this vessel.
1430, MC CRITE, Robert David, CmoMM(T), Service No. 337 36 38, USN,
reported aboard for duty with gear, records, pay account and transfer
papers from Receiving Station, Puget Sound Navy Yard, Bremerton, Washington.
*Sunday, August 26, 1945*
0900, Lt. Commander, W. W. HENSHAW, USCG, reported aboard as pilot.
Underway from dock, Pacific Electrical & Mechanical Co., Lake Union,
Seattle, Washington. Proceeding through the Lake Washington Ship Canal.
0933, Passed under Fremont Bridge.
0944, Passed under the Ballard Bridge.
0953, Entered U.S. Government Locks, Lake Washington Ship Canal.
1503, Moored at Pier 90, Seattle, Washington.
1750, BINKS, Jack C., 841 34 47, RdM2c, left this vessel for temporary
duty with Shore Patrol, Seattle, Washington.
*Monday, August 27, 1945*
0235, BINKS, Jack C., 841 34 47, RdM2/c, returned aboard from temporary
duty with the shore patrol, Seattle, Washington.
1415, LIND, Harold James, 620 07 92, CMoMM (T), V-6, USNR, reported
aboard with pay accounts and records.
1920, Ensign Evan A. WHALLON (D), USNR, 369698 detached from duty under
this command to report thirteenth Naval District.
1926, MANESS, J. D., 668 79 35, RM3/c, V-6, USNR, reported for duty with
sea bag, pay account and records.
*Tuesday, August 28, 1945*
0945, Commenced receiving fresh water from dock.
1005, Secured receiving fresh water from dock. 5800 gallons received aboard.
*Wednesday, August 29, 1945*
0700, made preparations for getting underway.
0730, stationed all special sea detail.
0742, underway in accordance with ComTHIRTEEN, verbal orders
0945, THOMPSON, John M., 936 95 02, StM2c, fell through hatch 1-13-1,
receiving 3/4" cut on chin. After first aid treatment he returned to
duty. 1107, Moored starboard side to USS YF539 at U. S. Naval Deperming
Station, Port Orchard.
1018, Proceeding to U. S. Naval Deperming station, Port Orchard.
1054, Blew one blast on whistle as this vessel was on collision course
with the ferry Kehloken on this vessel's port bow. Kehloken answered
with two blasts.
1107, Moored starboard side to USS YF539 at U. S. Naval Deperming
Station, Port Orchard.
1300, Began deperming ship.
1436, Completed deperming the ship.
1532, Underway from alongside USS YF 539 at U. S. Naval Deperming
Station, Port Orchard, Washington, proceeding at various courses and
speeds conforming to the channel enroute to the Degaussing Range.
1705, Entered degaussing range.
1754, Completed running degaussing range.
1800, Underway to Bremerton, Washington
1948, Anchored at Pier 5, Bremerton Navy Yard.
2010, Received ammunition from U. S. Naval Ammunition Depot (75), Puget
Sound, Washington, via USS YF 374 for replenishment of vessel?s allowance.
A complete supply of Pyrotechnics. Ammunition in compliance with vessel's allowance and included accessories for all ordnance gear aboard with exception of minesweep explosive cutters.
*Thursday, August 30, 1945*
0740, made all routine preparations for getting underway.
0748, stationed special sea detail.
0807, Underway, proceeding to gunnery area 5, Straits of Juan de Fuca.
1258, began entering firing area 5.
1359, all hands to General Quarters.
1400, Commenced scheduled exercises with U. S. Naval planes in area 5,
tracking only.
1527, cancelled all scheduled exercises with USS ATR 69 due to
insufficient visibility for gunnery exercises.
1535, secured from General Quarters set condition three.
1538, proceeding to Anchorage at Port Madison WA
2047, anchored in Port Madison, Washington.
*Friday, August 31, 1945*
0630, Made preparations for getting underway.
0647, Stationed special sea detail.
0712, Underway, enroute to Pier 91, Seattle, Washington.
0739, Commenced fog signals. Secured special sea details.
1049, Moored port side to East side of Pier 91, Berth "C", Naval
Station, Seattle, Wash.
1213, Commenced receiving diesel oil from dock.
1241, Commenced receiving lube oil from dock.
1335, Secured receiving lube oil from dock.
1720, Secured receiving fuel oil from dock. 57, 186 gallons received.
1745, Underway from East side of Pier 91, U.S. Naval Station, Seattle, Wash.
1759, Moored port side to USS Herald (AM-101), Pier 90, U. S. Naval
Station, Seattle, Wash.
1803, Captain ashore.
2315, Captain aboard.
July, 1945
Sunday, July 1, 1945
Moored starboard side to USS Ardent AM-340 at Pacific Electric and Mechanical Company dock, Lake Union, Seattle, Washington, with the following 5" manila lines in use: bow, after bow spring, forward and after quarter springs. All lines doubled up. Receiving telephone, fresh and flushing water, power and steam from the dock.
[The Mighty D is undergoing a major overhaul at this time. It will take the better part of two months to complete the work]
0215, Cordell, William D. returned from shore patrol duty.
July 2
0723, the following men left the ship to report to Fire Fighting School in Manchester, Washington: McDonald, R.C, SF2c, and Gibson, R.L., S1c .
0816, the following men left the ship to proceed to AATC, Pacific Beach, Washington for a six day instruction period:
Mills, R.D., S1c,
Thompson, O.J.W., S1c,
Campbell, A.L., S2c,
Schlotterer, L.R., S1c,
Ervin, B.L., S2c,
Rymer, S.W., S2c.
1710, Ens. Robert C. Smith reported aboard for duty from the Small Craft Training Center, Roosevelt base, Terminal Island, California.
July 3
2145, Ensign John D. Walker reported aboard for duty.
Wednesday, July 4, 1945
1349, Myskevitz, John A., SC3c, transferred to medical officer in command, US Naval Hospital, Seattle Washington, for medical treatment. Authority: Navy Regulations Article 1141(2).
July 5
2030, Army floating crane moored along our port side.
2100, Army crane lifted new main engine aboard and yard crew secured it in place portside in the main engine room.
2315, Army crane left our port side.
July 6
1118, USS LST 227 moored along our port side.
2030, Chief Boatswain Durward G. Peterson was detached from this vessel and ordered to report to commandant of nearest naval district for further assignment.
Saturday, July 7, 1945
0900, Leonard, A.J., RdM1c left ship for US Naval Hospital, Seattle, Washington, pursuant orders by authority Navy Regulations Article 1141(2) for medical treatment and disposition.
1630, Morton, James J., GM1c transferred this date with authorized leave of 30 days and 5 days travel time to the Commanding Officer, NTSch (Gunner's Mates and Electric Hydraulic School, Navy Yard, Washington, D.C.) for duty.
1800, McDonald, R.C. and Gibson, R.L. returned from fire fighting school.
July 8
2225, Fire discovered in ship's service stores, compartment A-205TA, frame 21.
2235, fire extinguished by CO2 extinguishers. Total loss due to fire is one case of cigarettes valued at $24.75. Cause of fire: sparks from welding at frame 21 on forecastle dropped through open conduit duct in platform deck.
July 9
0745, the following men left the ship to report to the officer in charge, NTSch, Lake Union, Seattle, Washington for instruction:
Frica, Carelo, MoMM2c,
Massey, R.O., F1c,
Pride, E.W., MoMM3c,
for three day instruction in 20mm gun; Mayfield, R.L., EM3c for one week instruction in power drive of 40mm gun mount; Manny, R.S., S1c for one week instruction in Mk 51 Mod. 2 gun director.
1300, The following men returned from Anti-Aircraft training center:
Hamilton, Joseph E.,
Schlotterer, Louis R.,
Mills, Richard D.,
Ervin, B.C.,
Oscar J.W.,
Rymer, Scott W.,
Campbell, Alfred L.,
1550, Bagley, Arthur W. transferred to US Naval Hospital.
July 10
1530, Cordell, William D. left ship for shore patrol duty.
July 11
0230, Cordell, William D. returned from shore patrol duty.
0730, the following men left the ship for Fire Fighting School:
Chiodi, D.,
Hendershot, George R.,
Cotney, Frank J.,
Thompson, John M.,
Williams, Carroll,
Cotton, Luther,
Smith, William,
Cordell, William D.
1200, Lt. (jg) R.W. Grange left ship to report to Officer in Charge, CIC Team Training Center, US Naval Air Station, Ault Field, Washington for six days training.
Thursday, July 12, 1945
0956, All lines cast off USS Ardent AM-340 and USS LST 227; moored to dock with single bow lines.
1000, USS Ardent AM-340 got underway to shift berths.
1015, moored starboard side to dock.
1500, De La Fuentes, Robert, pursuant to authority Navy Regulations Article 1141(2) transferred to Medical Officer in Command, US Navy Hospital, Seattle, Washington for medical treatment.
July 13
1627, pursuant to BuPers dispatch of 18 June 1945, Lt. (jg) Albert A. Johns was detached this date.
July 14
Moored as before.
July 15
1030, all services from dock secured, preparations made to move ship by tug into drydock.
1122, Underway from dock at Pacific Electric and Mechanical Company. Ship being moved by tug to drydock.
1200, ship moored to drydock on port side.
1422, commenced entering drydock.
1477, In drydock and drydock being sumped dry.
1520, ship no longer water borne.
1745, Poor, Raymond E. left ship for shore patrol duty.
July 15
0230, Poor, Raymond E. returned from shore patrol duty.
0800, Ensign Robert C. Smith left ship for gunnery school, Pacific Beach, Washington, in charge of the following men:
Swanner, Luther R., RM3c
Schlotterer, Louis R., S1c
Smith, William A., S1c
Chiodi, Domenic, BM2c
Cotton, Luther W., S1c
Angle, John M., S2c
Fluharty, George W., S2c
Honaker, Howard L., S2c
1513, Leonard, A.J., RdM1c reported aboard for duty from US Navy Hospital, Seattle, Washington.
July 16
Resting on keel blocks as before.
July 17
Resting on keel blocks as before.
July 18
1420, Remington, D.F., Cox, and Boggaley, A.W., F1c, returned aboard for duty from US Naval Hospital, Seattle, Washington.
July 19
1300, Cordell, William D. left ship for shore patrol duty until 26 July 1945.
1520, the following men left the ship for temporary quarters at Pier 91 receiving station, Seattle, Washington, while ship undergoes overhaul:
Holiday, Charles A., CPhM (in charge)
Smolich, Thomas E., SoM3c
Hayest, Henry, F1c
Crawford, Clifford C.,
Bowell, James P., SM3c
Jablonsky, Bernard,
Baggaley, Arthur, F1c
Massey, Robert O., F1c
Schmutz, Martin W., F1c
Manny, Robert S., S1c
Licursi, Frank J., S1c
Hamilton, Edward N., MoMM2c
Thacker, John T., F1c
1840, Bieberdorf, Carl William, FC3c, reported aboard ship for duty.
July 20
0950, Bennien, George R., BM3c, sent to US Naval Hospital for checkup of health.
1315, Lt. (jg) Grange returned to ship after having completed duty with Fleet Operational Training Command.
1330, Nineteen (19) men left ship for temporary quarters in barracks at Pier 91.
July 21
Resting on keel blocks as before.
July 22
1520, received dry stores for the general mess on invoice P-1-46 and P-2-46. Inspected as to quantity by Engen, BM2c.
July 23
0525, Leonard, Alfred J., RdM1c, Anderson, Victor E., RdM3c and Crumbaugh, James L., S1c, left ship for temporary duty at CIC school, Bremerton, Washington.
0720, The following men left the ship for temporary duty at Antiaircraft training center, Pacific Beach, Washington:
E.A. Whallon, Ens.,
Ridgeway, Rueben F., GM2c
Williams, Carol, S1c
Albrecht, Harlan K., Cox
Vera, Vincent, S1c,
Miller, William L., S1c
Ensley, Rufus F., Ck3c
Cotney, Frank Jones, S1c
Jablonski, Bernard R., S1c
Mayfield, Robert L., EM3c
Licursi, Frank J., S1c
Telgarsky, Aloysius, S1c
Bieberdorf, Carl W., FC3c
1310, The following men returned aboard from 40mm school:
Chiodi, Domenic, BM2c (in charge)
Swanner, Luther R., RM3c
Schlotterer, Louis R., S1c
Smith, William A., S1c
Cotton, Luther W., S1c
Angle, John M., S2c
Fluharty, George W., S2c
Honaker, Howard L., S2c
1415, the following men left the ship to be quartered at pier 91:
Angle, J.W.
Fluharty, G.W.
Honaker, H.L.
Campbell, A.L.
Schlotterer, L.D.
Smith, W.A.
Swanner, L.R.
Remington, D.F.
1606, received aboard two 40mm mounts MC1, Mod. 2, Assembly 189, Series 29636 & 29639. Guns set on foundations.
1830, 3" 50 mount MC22 Mod 4, serial 1449, Assembly 468, less gun housing. Mount set on foundation.
July 24
Resting on keel blocks as before.
July 25
0730, The following men left ship for temporary additional duty at Fire Fighting School, Bremerton, Washington:
Vincent, C.B., RM2c (in charge)
Massey, R.O., F1c
Pride, Everett W., MoMM3c
Vicars, Fred, EM3c
Bowell, J.P., SM3c
Shannon, W.J., SoM2c
Smolich, T.E., SoM3c
1015, Swanson, Swen, CBM, transferred to commanding officer, US Naval Receiving Station, Bremerton, Washington, as per orders.
July 26
1250, Binks, Jack C., RdM2c reported aboard with gear for duty from Shoemaker, California.
1425, Received two cartons of wardroom supplies as per invoice No. 88835-S-3.
[Cordell, William D. should have returned aboard from shore patrol duty on this date.]
July 27
0115, De Rosier, Clifford, MoMM1c, taken to Exchange Building first aid station after having fallen on drydock.
1055, De Rosier, Clifford returned aboard from sick bay.
1647, Martin, K.J., EM1c returned aboard from NTSchool upon completion of temporary duty under instruction.
July 28
0740, Leonard, Alfred, RdM1c returned with party of five men upon completion of temporary duty under instruction from CVE Pre-Commissioning School, Bremerton, Washington.
July 29
1350, The following men left the ship for temporary quarters and subsistence at Naval Training School, Lake Union, Washington:
Holiday, C.A., CPhM (in charge)
Baggaley, A.W., F1c
Albrecht, H.K., Cox
Binks, C.J., RdM2c
Bohjanen, O.S., F1c
Cotney, F.J., S1c
Fluharty, G.W., S2c
Hayest, H., F1c
Licursi, F.J., S1c
Miller, W.L., S1c
Phelps, N.C., F1c
Schmutz, W.W., F1c
Smolich, T.E., SoM3c
Swanner, L.R., RM3c
Thacker, J.T., F1c
Vincent, C.B., RM2c
Wood, J.T., F2c
Darlington, D.B., SC1c
Apling, S.E., RdM3c
Bieberdorf, C.E., FC3c
Bobich, H., F1c
Campbell, A.L., S2c
Crawford, C.C., RdM3c
Hamilton, E.N., MoMM2c
Ervin, B.C., S2c
Massey, R.O., F1c
Neel, W.B., EM3c
Pride, E.W., MoMM3c
Shannon, W.J., SoM2c
Smith, W.A., S1c
Telgarsky, A.S., S1c
Vera, V., S1c
Williams, C., S1c,
Zablonski, D.B., S1c
Rymer, W.S., S2c
1950, Lt. G. L. Wetzel reported aboard for duty.
July 30
0750, the following men transferred to Anti-Aircraft Training Center for temporary duty under instruction on 20mm (twin) battery:
Crisp, O.E., GM3c
Hendershot, G.R., S1c
Kirchoff, R.H., S1c,
Clayborne, B.D., S2c
Remington, D.F., Cox
Angle, J.M., S2c
Also, the following men transferred to Motion Picture Exchange, Pier 91, for a 3 day course of instruction in operation of 35mm projector, quarters and subsistence to be provided by this vessel:
Neel, B.W., EM3c
Vicars, F.S., EM3c
1400, the following men reported aboard for duty:
Casavan, George F., SC2c
Bundy, Merle P., RM2c
1440, the following men returned aboard ship having completed training at CVE Pre-Commissioning school:
Hayes, Leroy
Bishop, Donald
1535, Ens. Evan Whallon returned from Anti-Aircraft Training Center in charge of the following men:
Ridgeway, Rueben F., GM2c
Williams, Carol, S1c
Albrecht, Harlan K., Cox
Vera, Vincent, S1c,
Miller, William L., S1c
Ensley, Rufus F., Ck3c
Cotney, Frank Jones, S1c
Jablonski, Bernard R., S1c
Mayfield, Robert L., EM3c
Licursi, Frank J., S1c
Telgarsky, Aloysius, S1c
Bieberdorf, Carl W., FC3c
1600, Hamilton, Edward N., MoMM2c returned aboard from Anti-Aircraft Training Center with the following men:
Bohjanen, Oswald
Schmutz, Martin
Bobich, Henry
Thacker, John
1605, Ensign Robert Smith returned aboard from Anti-Aircraft Training Center
July 31
0735, the following men left ship for the Motion Picture Exchange, Pier 91, for a three day course of instruction:
Neel, Bewley, EM3c
Vicars, Fred, EM3c
0915, Mayfield, Robert left ship to report to the Motion Picture Exchange for a three day course of instruction.
1235, Albrecht, Harlan K., Cox, and Crawford, Clifford C., RdM3c reported aboard for duty.
1820, Agnew, Robert, S2c and Greenstein, Marvin, S1c (RM) reported aboard for duty.
2115, Lt. (jg) Frank L. Lodwick was detached this date and directed to commanding oficer to follow out basic orders of BuPers Letter of 18 June 1945, Serial Number 3137-PR-6B.
Moored starboard side to USS Ardent AM-340 at Pacific Electric and Mechanical Company dock, Lake Union, Seattle, Washington, with the following 5" manila lines in use: bow, after bow spring, forward and after quarter springs. All lines doubled up. Receiving telephone, fresh and flushing water, power and steam from the dock.
[The Mighty D is undergoing a major overhaul at this time. It will take the better part of two months to complete the work]
0215, Cordell, William D. returned from shore patrol duty.
July 2
0723, the following men left the ship to report to Fire Fighting School in Manchester, Washington: McDonald, R.C, SF2c, and Gibson, R.L., S1c .
0816, the following men left the ship to proceed to AATC, Pacific Beach, Washington for a six day instruction period:
Mills, R.D., S1c,
Thompson, O.J.W., S1c,
Campbell, A.L., S2c,
Schlotterer, L.R., S1c,
Ervin, B.L., S2c,
Rymer, S.W., S2c.
1710, Ens. Robert C. Smith reported aboard for duty from the Small Craft Training Center, Roosevelt base, Terminal Island, California.
July 3
2145, Ensign John D. Walker reported aboard for duty.
Wednesday, July 4, 1945
1349, Myskevitz, John A., SC3c, transferred to medical officer in command, US Naval Hospital, Seattle Washington, for medical treatment. Authority: Navy Regulations Article 1141(2).
July 5
2030, Army floating crane moored along our port side.
2100, Army crane lifted new main engine aboard and yard crew secured it in place portside in the main engine room.
2315, Army crane left our port side.
July 6
1118, USS LST 227 moored along our port side.
2030, Chief Boatswain Durward G. Peterson was detached from this vessel and ordered to report to commandant of nearest naval district for further assignment.
Saturday, July 7, 1945
0900, Leonard, A.J., RdM1c left ship for US Naval Hospital, Seattle, Washington, pursuant orders by authority Navy Regulations Article 1141(2) for medical treatment and disposition.
1630, Morton, James J., GM1c transferred this date with authorized leave of 30 days and 5 days travel time to the Commanding Officer, NTSch (Gunner's Mates and Electric Hydraulic School, Navy Yard, Washington, D.C.) for duty.
1800, McDonald, R.C. and Gibson, R.L. returned from fire fighting school.
July 8
2225, Fire discovered in ship's service stores, compartment A-205TA, frame 21.
2235, fire extinguished by CO2 extinguishers. Total loss due to fire is one case of cigarettes valued at $24.75. Cause of fire: sparks from welding at frame 21 on forecastle dropped through open conduit duct in platform deck.
July 9
0745, the following men left the ship to report to the officer in charge, NTSch, Lake Union, Seattle, Washington for instruction:
Frica, Carelo, MoMM2c,
Massey, R.O., F1c,
Pride, E.W., MoMM3c,
for three day instruction in 20mm gun; Mayfield, R.L., EM3c for one week instruction in power drive of 40mm gun mount; Manny, R.S., S1c for one week instruction in Mk 51 Mod. 2 gun director.
1300, The following men returned from Anti-Aircraft training center:
Hamilton, Joseph E.,
Schlotterer, Louis R.,
Mills, Richard D.,
Ervin, B.C.,
Oscar J.W.,
Rymer, Scott W.,
Campbell, Alfred L.,
1550, Bagley, Arthur W. transferred to US Naval Hospital.
July 10
1530, Cordell, William D. left ship for shore patrol duty.
July 11
0230, Cordell, William D. returned from shore patrol duty.
0730, the following men left the ship for Fire Fighting School:
Chiodi, D.,
Hendershot, George R.,
Cotney, Frank J.,
Thompson, John M.,
Williams, Carroll,
Cotton, Luther,
Smith, William,
Cordell, William D.
1200, Lt. (jg) R.W. Grange left ship to report to Officer in Charge, CIC Team Training Center, US Naval Air Station, Ault Field, Washington for six days training.
Thursday, July 12, 1945
0956, All lines cast off USS Ardent AM-340 and USS LST 227; moored to dock with single bow lines.
1000, USS Ardent AM-340 got underway to shift berths.
1015, moored starboard side to dock.
1500, De La Fuentes, Robert, pursuant to authority Navy Regulations Article 1141(2) transferred to Medical Officer in Command, US Navy Hospital, Seattle, Washington for medical treatment.
July 13
1627, pursuant to BuPers dispatch of 18 June 1945, Lt. (jg) Albert A. Johns was detached this date.
July 14
Moored as before.
July 15
1030, all services from dock secured, preparations made to move ship by tug into drydock.
1122, Underway from dock at Pacific Electric and Mechanical Company. Ship being moved by tug to drydock.
1200, ship moored to drydock on port side.
1422, commenced entering drydock.
1477, In drydock and drydock being sumped dry.
1520, ship no longer water borne.
1745, Poor, Raymond E. left ship for shore patrol duty.
July 15
0230, Poor, Raymond E. returned from shore patrol duty.
0800, Ensign Robert C. Smith left ship for gunnery school, Pacific Beach, Washington, in charge of the following men:
Swanner, Luther R., RM3c
Schlotterer, Louis R., S1c
Smith, William A., S1c
Chiodi, Domenic, BM2c
Cotton, Luther W., S1c
Angle, John M., S2c
Fluharty, George W., S2c
Honaker, Howard L., S2c
1513, Leonard, A.J., RdM1c reported aboard for duty from US Navy Hospital, Seattle, Washington.
July 16
Resting on keel blocks as before.
July 17
Resting on keel blocks as before.
July 18
1420, Remington, D.F., Cox, and Boggaley, A.W., F1c, returned aboard for duty from US Naval Hospital, Seattle, Washington.
July 19
1300, Cordell, William D. left ship for shore patrol duty until 26 July 1945.
1520, the following men left the ship for temporary quarters at Pier 91 receiving station, Seattle, Washington, while ship undergoes overhaul:
Holiday, Charles A., CPhM (in charge)
Smolich, Thomas E., SoM3c
Hayest, Henry, F1c
Crawford, Clifford C.,
Bowell, James P., SM3c
Jablonsky, Bernard,
Baggaley, Arthur, F1c
Massey, Robert O., F1c
Schmutz, Martin W., F1c
Manny, Robert S., S1c
Licursi, Frank J., S1c
Hamilton, Edward N., MoMM2c
Thacker, John T., F1c
1840, Bieberdorf, Carl William, FC3c, reported aboard ship for duty.
July 20
0950, Bennien, George R., BM3c, sent to US Naval Hospital for checkup of health.
1315, Lt. (jg) Grange returned to ship after having completed duty with Fleet Operational Training Command.
1330, Nineteen (19) men left ship for temporary quarters in barracks at Pier 91.
July 21
Resting on keel blocks as before.
July 22
1520, received dry stores for the general mess on invoice P-1-46 and P-2-46. Inspected as to quantity by Engen, BM2c.
July 23
0525, Leonard, Alfred J., RdM1c, Anderson, Victor E., RdM3c and Crumbaugh, James L., S1c, left ship for temporary duty at CIC school, Bremerton, Washington.
0720, The following men left the ship for temporary duty at Antiaircraft training center, Pacific Beach, Washington:
E.A. Whallon, Ens.,
Ridgeway, Rueben F., GM2c
Williams, Carol, S1c
Albrecht, Harlan K., Cox
Vera, Vincent, S1c,
Miller, William L., S1c
Ensley, Rufus F., Ck3c
Cotney, Frank Jones, S1c
Jablonski, Bernard R., S1c
Mayfield, Robert L., EM3c
Licursi, Frank J., S1c
Telgarsky, Aloysius, S1c
Bieberdorf, Carl W., FC3c
1310, The following men returned aboard from 40mm school:
Chiodi, Domenic, BM2c (in charge)
Swanner, Luther R., RM3c
Schlotterer, Louis R., S1c
Smith, William A., S1c
Cotton, Luther W., S1c
Angle, John M., S2c
Fluharty, George W., S2c
Honaker, Howard L., S2c
1415, the following men left the ship to be quartered at pier 91:
Angle, J.W.
Fluharty, G.W.
Honaker, H.L.
Campbell, A.L.
Schlotterer, L.D.
Smith, W.A.
Swanner, L.R.
Remington, D.F.
1606, received aboard two 40mm mounts MC1, Mod. 2, Assembly 189, Series 29636 & 29639. Guns set on foundations.
1830, 3" 50 mount MC22 Mod 4, serial 1449, Assembly 468, less gun housing. Mount set on foundation.
July 24
Resting on keel blocks as before.
July 25
0730, The following men left ship for temporary additional duty at Fire Fighting School, Bremerton, Washington:
Vincent, C.B., RM2c (in charge)
Massey, R.O., F1c
Pride, Everett W., MoMM3c
Vicars, Fred, EM3c
Bowell, J.P., SM3c
Shannon, W.J., SoM2c
Smolich, T.E., SoM3c
1015, Swanson, Swen, CBM, transferred to commanding officer, US Naval Receiving Station, Bremerton, Washington, as per orders.
July 26
1250, Binks, Jack C., RdM2c reported aboard with gear for duty from Shoemaker, California.
1425, Received two cartons of wardroom supplies as per invoice No. 88835-S-3.
[Cordell, William D. should have returned aboard from shore patrol duty on this date.]
July 27
0115, De Rosier, Clifford, MoMM1c, taken to Exchange Building first aid station after having fallen on drydock.
1055, De Rosier, Clifford returned aboard from sick bay.
1647, Martin, K.J., EM1c returned aboard from NTSchool upon completion of temporary duty under instruction.
July 28
0740, Leonard, Alfred, RdM1c returned with party of five men upon completion of temporary duty under instruction from CVE Pre-Commissioning School, Bremerton, Washington.
July 29
1350, The following men left the ship for temporary quarters and subsistence at Naval Training School, Lake Union, Washington:
Holiday, C.A., CPhM (in charge)
Baggaley, A.W., F1c
Albrecht, H.K., Cox
Binks, C.J., RdM2c
Bohjanen, O.S., F1c
Cotney, F.J., S1c
Fluharty, G.W., S2c
Hayest, H., F1c
Licursi, F.J., S1c
Miller, W.L., S1c
Phelps, N.C., F1c
Schmutz, W.W., F1c
Smolich, T.E., SoM3c
Swanner, L.R., RM3c
Thacker, J.T., F1c
Vincent, C.B., RM2c
Wood, J.T., F2c
Darlington, D.B., SC1c
Apling, S.E., RdM3c
Bieberdorf, C.E., FC3c
Bobich, H., F1c
Campbell, A.L., S2c
Crawford, C.C., RdM3c
Hamilton, E.N., MoMM2c
Ervin, B.C., S2c
Massey, R.O., F1c
Neel, W.B., EM3c
Pride, E.W., MoMM3c
Shannon, W.J., SoM2c
Smith, W.A., S1c
Telgarsky, A.S., S1c
Vera, V., S1c
Williams, C., S1c,
Zablonski, D.B., S1c
Rymer, W.S., S2c
1950, Lt. G. L. Wetzel reported aboard for duty.
July 30
0750, the following men transferred to Anti-Aircraft Training Center for temporary duty under instruction on 20mm (twin) battery:
Crisp, O.E., GM3c
Hendershot, G.R., S1c
Kirchoff, R.H., S1c,
Clayborne, B.D., S2c
Remington, D.F., Cox
Angle, J.M., S2c
Also, the following men transferred to Motion Picture Exchange, Pier 91, for a 3 day course of instruction in operation of 35mm projector, quarters and subsistence to be provided by this vessel:
Neel, B.W., EM3c
Vicars, F.S., EM3c
1400, the following men reported aboard for duty:
Casavan, George F., SC2c
Bundy, Merle P., RM2c
1440, the following men returned aboard ship having completed training at CVE Pre-Commissioning school:
Hayes, Leroy
Bishop, Donald
1535, Ens. Evan Whallon returned from Anti-Aircraft Training Center in charge of the following men:
Ridgeway, Rueben F., GM2c
Williams, Carol, S1c
Albrecht, Harlan K., Cox
Vera, Vincent, S1c,
Miller, William L., S1c
Ensley, Rufus F., Ck3c
Cotney, Frank Jones, S1c
Jablonski, Bernard R., S1c
Mayfield, Robert L., EM3c
Licursi, Frank J., S1c
Telgarsky, Aloysius, S1c
Bieberdorf, Carl W., FC3c
1600, Hamilton, Edward N., MoMM2c returned aboard from Anti-Aircraft Training Center with the following men:
Bohjanen, Oswald
Schmutz, Martin
Bobich, Henry
Thacker, John
1605, Ensign Robert Smith returned aboard from Anti-Aircraft Training Center
July 31
0735, the following men left ship for the Motion Picture Exchange, Pier 91, for a three day course of instruction:
Neel, Bewley, EM3c
Vicars, Fred, EM3c
0915, Mayfield, Robert left ship to report to the Motion Picture Exchange for a three day course of instruction.
1235, Albrecht, Harlan K., Cox, and Crawford, Clifford C., RdM3c reported aboard for duty.
1820, Agnew, Robert, S2c and Greenstein, Marvin, S1c (RM) reported aboard for duty.
2115, Lt. (jg) Frank L. Lodwick was detached this date and directed to commanding oficer to follow out basic orders of BuPers Letter of 18 June 1945, Serial Number 3137-PR-6B.
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